Current Committee ProjectsBerks Path Improvements
The Committee is exploring ways to improve the pathway that connects Frankford Ave/Blair Street to the Berks El stop on Front Street. This heavily used pathway connects the north end of Fishtown to center city, and has seen over a 200% increase in ridership between 2001-2016 In addition to scheduling regular cleanups with the Beautification Committee, some potential improvements identified include widening the path, installing pedestrian scale lighting, and ensuring regular snow removal/maintenance by Parks & Rec and the School district. Did you know ? The large mound/field on the North side of the Berks Path covers over 200 geothermal wells, which serve the heating & cooling systems of the adjacent Kensington High School for the Creative and Performing Arts Pedestrian Safety Initiatives
The Committee has been responding to neighborhood concern about pedestrian safety throughout the neighborhood. After over a year of working with City Councilman Darrel Clarke's Office, the Committee was successful in installing a stop signs at the intersection of Frankford Ave, Thompson, and Shackamaxon Streets. Additionally, the Committee Participated in Parking Day 2017 by installing a temporary pedestrian plaza in the sneckdown at Frankford and Belgrade Streets, adjacent to the Rose Garden. This was an important test bed for other potential sites throughout the neighborhood. Year-Round or Annual Projects
Regular Briefs from the PPD 26th District The Committee serves as a liaison to the 26th District Police Department; Officers are present at our General Membership Meeting each month to provide updates to and listen to concerns from the community. Wednesdays are Step Days! Sitting on your front "stoop" is a tradition in Philadelphia that goes back many years. The Committee encourages everyone to spend more time on your steps, getting to know your neighbors, building our community, one neighbor at a time. We make an effort to sit on our steps each Wednesday to encourage this tradition. Join us! |
Committee Meeting ScheduleNext Scheduled Meeting:
TBD - email [email protected] for information.
Safety & Planning In the News
FNA tests possible pedestrian plaza - Star News Stepping up safety and socializing - Star News |